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Just after midnight, a snowdrift stops the Orient Express in its tracks. The luxurious train is surprisingly full for the time of the year, but by the morning it is one passenger fewer. An American tycoon lies dead in his compartment, stabbed eight times, his door locked from the inside. Isolated and with a killer in their midst, the passengers rely on detective Hercule Poirot to identify the murderer – in case he or she decides to strike again.


Hercule Poirot: Dan Ashlock

Monsieur Bouc: Keach Siriani-Madden

Countess Andrenyi: Harleigh Irizarry

Helen Hubbard: Cindy Covington

Mary Debenham: Veronica Joy Harris

Colonel Arbuthnot: Joshua Hengst

Princess Dragomiroff: Cindy Miesse

Greta Oholsson: Ian Rey Sausedo

Hector MacQueen: Zach Connaghan

Samuel Ratchett: Cody Bro

Michel/Head Waiter: Rich Gilliam



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